About Narrative Innovations

LogoNarrative Innovations is the formalization of a workshop founded by Joan Oppenheimer in 1979.  Members of the Oppenheimer Writer’s Workshops went on to be leaders of workshops in Idyllwild, Asilomar, and Santa Barbara Writer’s Conference.

With over 30 years of experience helping writers improve their craft, the core membership is coming forward to document and promote our lessons in writing and do our part to foster the art of written entertainment.


Will Greenway, Workshop Lead

Extolling  clear strong evocative writing that has depth and meaning our goal is to help each writer find their voice and connect with other writers.  

Following a principle of learn by doing, we promote and organize intense workshops, encouraging fledgling and seasoned writers to share their work and thoughts under the guidance of experienced moderators.

2 thoughts on “About Narrative Innovations

  1. Hi, Will. You seem to be the person who uploaded videos of my Cartoon Voices panels to YouTube. Could I persuade you to take them down? A couple of the actors are very unhappy to have them online.

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